I-am luat interviu lui Dash Berlin!

Mi-am dorit sa fac un interviu cu Dash Berlin din clipa in care am auzit ca vine in Romania. Voiam sa aflu de la acest DJ si producator extraordinar ce il face sa creeze piese care ating sufletele a zeci de mii de fani, care fac arene intregi sa se umple de public ce ridica mainile incercand sa atinga cerul.

Dash Berlin e unul dintre oamenii care stiu cel mai bine cum sa-si faca publicul fericit, cum sa transmita pasiunea imensa pentru muzica, cum sa schime ceva in lume prin muzica extraordinara pe care o face. Dar cel mai frumos lucru pe care l-am descoperit in urma interviului cu Dash este modestia sa si aprecierea pe care o are pentru lucrurile simple, dar care conteaza cel mai mult.

Dash e un DJ si un producator cu adevarat dedicat muzicii sale, care e constient de valoarea fanilor sai si care nu-si doreste altceva decat sa creeze momente memorabile in vietile oamenilor. That’s what it’s all about, nu? Va las sa va bucurati si voi de acest interviu macar atat cat m-am bucurat eu si abia astept sa ne vedem sambata, 21 mai, la Arenele Romane, de la ora 22, la XTERIA – The legend of dreams festival, sa ne bucuram impreuna de cele mai frumoase piese ale lui Dash Berlin, live!

PS: Nu uita sa te imbraci in alb si negru, asa cum a tema festivalului. Am auzit ca organizatorii ne pregatesc un show cum nu s-a mai vazut. 😀

1. What would you say was the biggest musical influence in your life?
My father, who was a drummer in a Jazz band.

2. I can tell you love Emma Hewitt’s voice (and so do we). What did she bring to the table when you started working together? Did she influence you in any way?

Emma is great, she’s very creative and very professional. A pleasure to work with. I’m always influenced by the people I work with. That is why I love working together on music.

3. What nurtures your creativity? What do you feed upon when you make such great, crowd rocking tracks?
Deejaying is the best method. I always feel recharged when I return to the studio after a great gig. It’s all about the people and their reaction to the music.

4. How did you shape your musical style?

Mostly by trying stuff out while deejaying. It’s the fastest way to see if something works or not.

5. From the many, many shows and gigs you’ve had across the world, could you pick one that you could call the best so far?
Picking just one would do injustice to all the amazing place I’ve been, every night is unique. I do remember the last time I was in Romania and it was really special. I’m very excited for this time as well!

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